The NRC Collective Agreement CS: Everything You Need to Know

The National Research Council (NRC) is a Canadian government organization that focuses on research and development to support innovation in various fields. As with any large organization, there are different groups of employees who are represented by unions. In this article, we will explore the NRC Collective Agreement CS and what it means for employees.

What is the NRC Collective Agreement CS?

The NRC Collective Agreement CS is a collective bargaining agreement between the NRC and the Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada (PIPSC). It covers scientists, engineers, and researchers who work in the NRC`s research and development programs. The agreement outlines the terms and conditions of employment, including job descriptions, pay rates, benefits, and other provisions related to working conditions.

The agreement also sets out a grievance process for employees who believe that their rights have been violated in violation of the agreement. This process includes mediation and arbitration to resolve disputes between the NRC and its employees.

What does the agreement cover?

The agreement covers a wide range of topics related to employment at the NRC. Some of the most important provisions include:

– Pay rates: The agreement outlines the pay rates for different levels of employees and includes annual increases based on performance and longevity.

– Benefits: The agreement outlines the benefits that employees are entitled to, including health, dental, and vision care, as well as a pension plan and other forms of insurance.

– Job descriptions: The agreement outlines the job descriptions for different positions and the qualifications required for each position.

– Working conditions: The agreement outlines the working conditions for employees, including hours of work, overtime pay, and other provisions related to work-life balance.

– Contract renewal: The agreement outlines the process for renewing contracts and the criteria for evaluating employees` performance.

What are the benefits of the agreement?

The NRC Collective Agreement CS provides employees with a number of important benefits, including job security, fair pay, and access to a range of benefits. The agreement also provides employees with a grievance process to resolve disputes and ensure that their rights are protected. In addition, the agreement provides a framework for collaboration between employees and management to improve working conditions and promote innovation.


The NRC Collective Agreement CS is an important document that outlines the terms and conditions of employment for employees at the National Research Council. It provides employees with job security, fair pay, and access to a range of benefits, as well as a grievance process to resolve disputes. If you are an employee at the NRC, it is important that you familiarize yourself with the agreement and understand your rights and responsibilities under it.