Asbestos Abatement in Chicago IL.:
Asbestos was banned in building products in the late 1970’s, however, with huge inventories of asbestos building products still available asbestos materials can be found in buildings constructed well into the 1980’s.
A thorough asbestos inspection in Chicago should be done prior to any renovation work of all buildings, especially buildings of construction from the 1980’s and prior. Common asbestos containing materials found in commercial buildings and residences are:
- vinyl floor tiles/ linoleum
- mastics
- thermal insulation (pipes, ducts and boilers)
- attic insulation(vermiculite)
- plaster and textured finishes
- drywall compound
- ceiling tiles
- sink coatings
- caulking
- window glazing
- siding
- roofing

When looking for Asbestos Abatement in Chicago IL., Midway Contracting Group is your number one choice. Contact us today for your free Quote or Consultation.